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I have the impression that almost everything has been said on this topic. The topic seems to be exhausted and thoroughly discussed. So what else to write and come up with?

However, I decided to make this entry taking into account people from the IT area, whose CVs I review on a daily basis.

It does not matter if it is a person who is just taking his first steps on the labor market or a senior who already has several years of experience – I always see a CV that is simply badly written. One with mistakes, lacking basic and important information, and the CV itself does not say much about the candidate’s professional experience. Yes, there is information about the name of the position held, the name of the company and the period of employment. However, it is not enough for the client to invite the candidate to the next stage of recruitment.

What does the Hiring Manager pay attention to when evaluating a CV?

It should be remembered that the CV is our showcase, the first contact with a potential employer and a well-written CV determine whether we will be included in the recruitment process.

Both the structure of the CV and its content are important. All information in it should be ordered, chronological (latest data at the top) and transparent. Regardless of whether you are applying for a junior or senior position, your CV should contain the following information:

  • Up-to-date personal and contact details.
  • Education, in the case of higher education, it is worth providing the field of study and specialization.
  • Work experience as fully described as possible. Projects in which you participated and the technologies used in them, project duration and role in the team
  • Previous courses and training that can be used in a new workplace.
  • Additional information about your interests.

A detailed description of our work experience is a key element of the CV.

If you are just taking your first steps on the labor market and you do not have professional experience, describe your non-commercial experience, projects that you carried out during your studies or completed with a group of friends. I know from experience that IT specialists carry out amazing projects as a hobby and often forget to describe them in their CVs.


Do you want to check your CV and suggest how to improve it? Go ahead, write to us! We will be happy to help 😊

Kasia Zybała